Saturday, February 15, 2014

Contributing to HitRECord with Joseph Gordon Levitt

There are many times when I look back and could almost kick myself for passing up artistic opportunities. I'm thrilled to announce that this time will not be one of them.

For the past two months I have been feeling like my artistic abilities have not been flaunted or utilized in the ways that I had hoped. By age 25 I was really hoping that I'd have my life figured out and here I am 24, 25 is happening in September and I'm still doing what I always do.

Lately though, I have been really inspired. I'll come online and read a few of my favorite blogs or watch my favorite YouTubers while I literally whip out drawings like they are nothing. I find myself sifting through YouTube and eHows trying to teach myself new things. Heck, I even purchased professional umbrella lighting tonight which I do plan to utilize in my own YouTube videos and photos for my shop.

So, of course, being an artist, I follow many other artists and I've seen so many people talking about Hit Record that I had to go see what it was about. I'm excited to say that I've signed up to contribute and have already submitted a few of my more artistic photographs from our vacation a while back. I'm also hoping to submit something at least bi-weekly whether it be more photography or character doodles or complete drawings.

I am also just really in love with the thought of this whole project. Joseph Gordon Levitt reaching out to all artists out there to collaborate and contribute art to make a show to get the arts out there. It's exciting. I hope that I can one day be a part of it and I hope it does really well even if my art isn't good enough.

Here is the first episode for anyone interested:

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