Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Indie-Go-Go Smoothie

Feeling blue or just in the mood to drink it? Here is an easy smoothie for you!

1 cup of orange juice
1 small hand full of spinach
2 small hand fulls of blueberries
8 blackberries


Your final result is a pretty hue of purple,which is fun to look at and fun for kids to eat!

B-B-B-Bonus tip: Fruit going bad after you've just set it out? Some fruits and veggies produce a gas called ethylene as they ripen, but this can cause other fruits to ripen faster as well. Keep your ethylene-producing fruit in a separate fruit bowl in another location. Popular examples of ethylene-producers are; bananas, melons, peaches, tomatos and avacados (among others! This is a good site to see a full list on both varieties!) Popular examples of ethylene-sensitives are; apples, watermelon, potatoes, and carrots.

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